Monday, March 30, 2009

True Security by Cheryl Richardson

True Security
by Cheryl Richardson

"Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none." --Richard M. DeVos

While searching for a resource in past newsletters, I came across a topic I wrote about in 2000 that's worth repeating during this difficult economic time. It's about where real security comes from.

If you're like most people, you probably equate a sense of security with how much money you have. I know I did. In order to feel safe and protected, I focused on earning and saving money as a way to achieve peace of mind. As I did however, I discovered something strange. My feelings of security and peace didn't increase with my bank account. Regardless of how much money I earned (or saved), I never felt secure enough.

I've since learned that the key to creating security has to do with a whole lot more than the balance in your savings account. It has to do with the balances in other accounts as well. True security comes from having a reserve in all areas of your life - a reserve of community, love, self esteem, a connection to God, or health, in addition to financial reserves. Until you invest in these other areas, you'll always feel insecure, regardless of how much money you have.

Of course money is important - we all need it to live and to make the kinds of choices that maintain or improve the quality of our lives. But it's equally important to make deposits into other accounts as well. For example, consider the following questions:

1. Do you have a reserve of friends and/or family who are there for you in times of need?

2. Do you have a reserve of confidence and self esteem that allows you to stand up for yourself in the face of a challenge?

3. Do you have a reserve of courage that you can call upon when you need to take difficult actions?

4. Do you have a reserve of faith and a strong connection to a power greater than yourself for those times when you've done what you can and you need to surrender?

5. Do you have a reserve of physical energy that will allow you to do what it takes to succeed?

6. Do you have a reserve of colleagues or professional relationships that will support your career?

Just as you make regular deposits to your savings account, you'll want to start making regular deposits into these other accounts as well. As an example, those of you who are looking for work or feel concerned about the stability of your jobs, will benefit from networking - getting together with friends and colleagues to share resources, referrals, ideas, and suggestions. Career experts agree that this is still the single, most effective way to land great work. With that in mind, you quickly realize that investing in a professional network creates the kind of protection money can't buy.

When you view security from this perspective, it's easy to see that regular dates with your best friend are just as important as regular deposits into your IRA. Or building a reserve of self-esteem is even more important than putting money away for a new home.

It takes time and attention to build reserves in each of these areas and it's worth the investment. When you do, you not only make for a secure future, you create a secure present as well. And, when the present feels secure, you'll make much better choices for you and your family. So, how about it - ready to start making new deposits?

Take Action Challenge

Take a large sheet of paper and create several columns. At the top of each column list an "account category" such as love, community, confidence/self esteem, courage, emotional and physical health, etc.

Once you've completed these columns, write down your current assets in each of these areas. For example, under "community" you might list close friends and family members. Or under physical health, you might list those things you already do to take good care of your body.

Once you're clear about what you do have, notice what's missing. Then, pick one area that needs more attention and make a deposit this week :).

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