Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who turned off the power? - Pam Thomas

Who turned off the power? -Pam Thomas

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent - Eleanor Roosevelt

It is true that no one has the right to make us feel powerless or less of a person. NO ONE! And while it is a bitter pill to sometimes swallow, we do have a say or choice in how someone makes us feel. With that said, then why is it so easy to feel inferior or powerless?

There could be many reasons:

* Maybe someone we loved put us down and because we loved them, we believed them. (Hey, people we love and/or love us know us best, right? NOT ALWAYS.)

* Maybe it is because we have always been afraid to stand up for ourselves in fear we would rock the boat or make someone angry.

* Maybe it is because we spend time comparing ourselves with others and wishing we had what they have.

* Maybe it is because we just don't trust ourselves and our abilities.

Does any of this sound familiar? If so, please don't despair because reclaiming your personal power is absolutely possible. Give the following a whirl and see what happens:

1) Make a list of your MANY amazing attributes. (Yes, you have many!!) You should even write down all the attributes you wish to have.

2) As you write, if your inner-critic or self-doubter (that little contradictory voice) rears its head, thank it for its contributions and then tell it to be quiet. Please be sure just to keep writing!

3) Take your list and over the next 90 days read your list to yourself five times in the morning and five times at night before bed.

4) Say to yourself as often as possible, "It's none of my business what other people think of me, but it is my business what I think of me." It's true, you can't control what others think so why be held hostage by their thoughts or give away your power to those thoughts?

Just remember, you do have the power and no one has the right to turn it off.

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