by Randy Gage
Okay it’s been a while since we talked about money. Probably the biggest mind virus you encounter today about money is that it is not spiritual.
Technically that is true, because money is not inherently spiritual or inherently evil. It is a resource that can be used for either positive or negative ends. And even though technically this is true, in practicality, personally I do see money as inherently spiritual.
This is because I view money as God in action for what it allows us to do. And while people can use money for negative things, when they do so, they are out of accord with the nature of the universe. As a result, they’re always going to face resistance, while people who use money in accord with universal laws will always prosper.
Poverty is a sin because it separates people from their true nature and glorious potential.
People who are worried about making the rent or providing groceries for their family aren’t using contemplating higher spiritual matters – they are immersed in their struggle for survival.
When they get the money thing out of the way – which means they morally and ethically create enough wealth to exceed their needs – they now can evolve into the delicious existence of contribution on a greater scale. And that’s when things really get sexy…
You up for it?
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