Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Soul Gardening

Soul Gardening

by Randy Gage
In As A Man Thinketh, James Allen tells us that our minds are like a garden, which can be intelligently cultivated, or allowed to run wild. In either event, it will bring forth.

If you plant and tend your garden, it will produce flowers or fruits, the things you cultivate. If you don’t plant specific seeds, then animals, wind and other elements will cause random things to fall into it, producing an abundance of weeds and wild vegetation, likely to choke out useful plants. One thing is certain – something will grow in your garden.

Just as a gardener must tend his or her plot, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity. You must nurture and tend the thoughts of happiness, success and purpose.

If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the master gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstance – but the architect of them. For it is the thoughts that you give precedence to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny.


The outer circumstances and environment of your life is directly connected to your inner state. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is this – thought and character are one.

No one wakes up one day in prison, or divorce court, or the emergency room. It is the direct result of the thoughts you have had up to that point.

Now if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses for yourself… 

You believe that what I just said is true for other people most of the time, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control. Your situation is different. You’re special.


And the day you stop buying into that bullshit – is the day you break through to levels of greatness that are simply breathtaking. Are you up for it?


Soul Gardening Blog link

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