Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You are NOT your Ego! (From Righteousness to Compassion)

You are NOT your Ego! (From Righteousness to Compassion)

Hello Friends!

Has anyone noticed an intensification of emotion these days?

Like judgment, anger, joy, passion?

As the spiritual energies continue to increase upon our planet, the aspect of our humanness, our ego personality, is the part of ‘us’ that is taking the heat….

And for some of us, its gotten pretty hot lately!

Amidst the highs and exuberance, I’ve also found myself getting more pissed than usual; its taking a concerted effort at times to stop, breath, and come back to center.

It happened again this morning… I was reading a comment that someone posted on one of my Facebook threads last night, asking a question of why hasn’t the work I have done ended the dolphin hunt? I wasn’t sure if it was a sincere question or a bit sarcastic, but I took some a lot of time to give a thoughtful reply…

After I posted my reply, I found the same person had posted similar comments on other FB conversations… As I read them, the sarcasm was obvious… WTF? As I’m reading this and reacting in angry (I felt the sweat pouring from my armpits), a little window pops up and says this person just commented on my reply…

I clicked on the icon and sure enough, another sarcastic comment…on a thread of conversation with over 80 comments.. so his comments have gone into the emails of everyone…

By now my blood is in a boil and my mind is formulating a reply… (I can say it pretty straight!)

Enter another deep breath… enter compassion…

A lot of us are feeling triggered lately, and twice in the past month I’ve been too quick to give someone feedback about the inappropriateness of their actions. Let me get this straight, their actions were totally inappropriate, but my righteous reply only added fuel to the fire…

Knowing this, and remembering the regret of speaking while in reaction, I let the anger pass, I stop taking his attacks personal, and can then see that this man is obviously upset…

And from this place of compassion, I look up his email address and send him an email telling him I understand he’s upset and that a conversation with 80 comments is the wrong place to use sarcasm…

And then I see my righteousness in pointing out his sarcasm…

Let me be clear – I was totally entitled to call him on his sarcasm. Its just that it would probably have closed the door on any productive communication. So… did I want to be right, or did I want healing?

So I delete the comment about sarcasm… and just acknowledge that he is upset, and extend an invitation to talk…

It doesn’t matter his reply…. What matters is how I feel, and I feel filled with peace and compassion…

As the heat in the kitchen increases, it serves us to respond to our brothers and sisters with compassion.. I invite you to take the five breaths or ten minutes it takes to release your reactions to the triggers around you…

Every time we do, we bring more light into our bodies and our world…

Every single time we do, we strengthen the morphic field of Oneness that is growing in our collective awareness in leaps and bounds…




I have found that APPRECIATION is a valuable ally in shifting energy!

Everyday Ecstasy
email: joe@planetarypartners.com

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