Saturday, April 4, 2009

Let's Think About Thinking by Dick Warn

The Miracle Minute
Let's Think About Thinking by Dick Warn

Harry Lorayne, American memory expert, said, "Thinking clearly and effectively is the greatest asset of any human being."

And, Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, said, "Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts."

Most people aren't aware of the power of their thoughts. They live outer-directed lives, blaming their environment and other people for their unhappiness. However, the rare few who do find happiness are inner-directed - people who have learned to select the thoughts they entertain.

Your conscious mind sits at a very busy crossroad of random ideas. Some of those ideas are based on absolute truths, yet the vast majority of them are not. What most people assume to be true are often opinions driven by emotional myths based upon absolute garbage.

Common sense isn't common. Truth isn't welcomed at most gatherings. No wonder so many people have lost their way.

William James, American psychologist and author, said, "Why should we think upon things that are lovely? Because thinking determines our life. It is a common habit to blame life upon the environment. Environment modifies life but does not govern life. The soul is stronger than its surroundings."

Dick Warn
Copyright 2009 Richard S. Warn & Associates

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