Thursday, April 16, 2009

The money factor in male attraction

The money factor in male attraction

Why do women love rich men? This question seems to baffle and infuriate men, yet the answer is so simple and logical. As a result, men label women all manner of names from ‘hoe’ to ‘gold digger’.

They refuse to believe that women are attracted to men with money less by a love for money than due to her genetic make-up. So today I will try and enlighten all men so that, the next time a woman leaves you for a richer man, you can blame it on her maternal instincts and not be so quick to judge her.

Every woman is born with some form of maternal instincts. The purpose is to enable her to effectively pick out the perfect mate. With the perfect mate she bears children and expects to not only be sufficiently provided for but that her offspring will also be well provided for. So while picking her mate one of the most important requirements is that the man can provide well. In primitive society, the law of the jungle prevailed and the strongest man ruled over the weak.

His strength represented power and thus he had more resources than the weaker men. As a result he had more women admirers. Women couldn’t get enough of his resource pool and he often had more than one wife. His wives were usually considered the most beautiful in the land.

Today money as opposed to sheer strength represents power and the man who has it makes the rules. On top of the power they wield, rich men have some qualities that men without it often lack. Rich men are often very confident, they have a sexy swagger that seems only come with money, and they dress well. Plus they seem to know what they want and where they are going life. They make a woman feel like they can make the world stop if only she were to ask.

Their money means that they have power and power means that whichever woman they choose will be sufficiently provided for and her kids will have the best of everything. Unfortunately for men, we are living in a material world and we are all material girls. Thus whoever makes the money will get all the girls. So if you want a good woman or want to keep your woman, you better make that ‘paper’.

Resource Pool @ view link

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