Monday, June 29, 2009

Fear, a four letter word by Pam Thomas

Fear, a four letter word by Pam Thomas

What is fear?

Fear sometimes protects us, helping us to avoid danger or pain.
Fear is an obstacle or blockage that keeps us from moving forward.
Fear is a feeling.
Fear can be real and valid.
Fear is a great place to hide.

It is OK to feel fearful, especially when it comes to your own safety and well-being. It is OK to feel fearful about your dreams, about taking risks; feeling fear is a natural human emotion.

But here's something to consider; if fear is not serving as a protector from danger, should fear be allowed to stand in your way of creating the life you desire and deserve?

Consider the following few things about fear....

* Fear only resides in the past and the future.
* Fear does not like postives.
* Fear disappears when deep breathing is present.

For just one moment imagine having the ability to flow, to really move through your day without doubt or fear. Imagine diving into new projects, taking exciting risks, setting dreams into action without the second guessing or the white knuckles. What would that be like? What would that feel like? Sit with that thought or feeling for a moment. Soak it in, remember it, especially during the times when fear is preventing you from doing something that will serve you in a positive way.

If that does not work for you, feel free to give these additional strategies a try...

1. Become very present, in the here and the now. Stop, take a good look around you and engage your five senses. What do you see? What do you hear? etc.
2. Take four deep cleansing breaths to a count of four; four counts in through the nose and exhale to a count of four through the mouth.
3. The brain, while an amazing wonder, can’t think positive and negative thoughts at the same time. So since fear evokes negative thoughts try copping an attitude of gratitude. Take your hand, place it over your heart and in the moment list no less than three things you are most grateful for.
4. Take stock of the fear. Ask yourself is the fear serving you in a positive or negative way? Creating awareness is a powerful way to combat fear, because from awareness comes the ability to choose.

Just remember you deserve to have the life you desire without the fear. Here's to eradicating that four letter from your vocabulary.

FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real


  1. what is the positive alternative for the word "fear"
    As we have "lack of companionship" for "loneliness"
    and lack of abundance for debt..

  2. I believe the positive alternative for fear could be one of several: love, fun, trust, confidence ....

    RE: lack of companionship for loneliness and lack of abundance for debt

    I would reframe both eliminating 'lack' and say something like:

    Even though I am alone I choose to full-fill my needs and by doing so I'm believing and trusting in me and in the process of life

    As I shift my focus to all of the abundance that I have in my life and share my creativity with others and myself, I believe my bank account will be filled with more than I can imagine.

    I generally add Thank You God, Thank You Universe.

  3. Upon reading my comments, omitted is the necessity of incorporating a feel good feeling ... absolutely imperative to have a reference and bring that feel good experience into the statement. :)
