Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Feeling Good and the Law of Attraction by Wendy Betterini

Feeling Good and the Law of Attraction by Wendy Betterini

The more we learn about using the Law of Attraction consciously in
our lives, the more we understand that our emotional state
determines our vibrational frequency, which attracts the quality of
experiences we have. With this knowledge comes the understanding
that feeling good (happy, joyful, enthusiastic, optimistic) will
attract more of the same into our lives.

But is it really possible to feel good all the time? How do we deal
with life's little (and not so little) annoyances? Are we supposed
to live in a state of denial and take on a Pollyanna attitude? What
about the devastating life experiences that shake us to our core,
such as the death of a loved one or a natural disaster? How is it
possible to remain in a positive emotional state when laboring
under feelings of grief and despair?

The short answer is: it's not only difficult, but also detrimental
to us to do so.

Our feelings are real.
Trying to deny them or smooth them over with
blanket statements of positive focus won't help us resolve them at
a core level. Instead, it's important to honor our feelings and
work through them in a positive and productive manner. How? By
admitting that we feel rotten, and allowing ourselves to feel that
way. It's okay to feel angry, sad, or hurt when something awful

The best gift we can give ourselves is the opportunity to feel our
feelings, genuinely and deeply. When you feel sad about something,
let yourself feel sad. Embrace the feelings, and move through them.
Write in a journal about why you're sad, and express the feelings
rising up within you. Write out your rage, your pain, your grief.
Scream your fury to the universe. It is only by moving through your
feelings that you can come out of them eventually.

Having said that, we must also reach a point when we choose to step
out of our misery and feel hopeful again. We must eventually turn
our focus to thoughts of healing and peace. Continuing to stay
mired in pain for an excessive amount of time can be just as
detrimental as denying our pain altogether. What is considered an
"excessive" amount of time? Only you can say. Your grief process
might last a few days, or a few years. Simply stay tuned in to
yourself, your thoughts, your emotions, and you'll know when you're
beginning to move out of the grief process.

What about the smaller annoyances we deal with on a daily basis?
This is the more common struggle for most of us. How do we stay
positive when facing traffic jams, rude people, misbehaving
children, inconsiderate spouses, demanding bosses, financial
challenges, and repeated feelings of frustration that we just can't
seem to get it together?

Though these experiences seem overwhelming, they are actually the
most simple to deal with if you shift your perspective slightly.
The best tool I've discovered for dealing with frustration is the
ability to choose what I focus on.

Let's use an example to demonstrate this concept. Let's say you're
running late for work and you have an important meeting to attend
when you get there. You dash to your car, praying for a quick, easy
ride to work so you can be on time for your meeting. Shortly after
you leave home, you run into a big traffic jam. Cars are moving
slower than molasses, and you sit there behind the wheel feeling
angry and frustrated because you know you're going to be late for
your meeting, which will bring on some unpleasant comments from
your boss, and probably ruin your chances for the promotion you
were hoping to get. The more you follow this line of thought, the
more angry and frustrated you will become. So what can you do to
turn this situation around?

Here are the techniques I've found most helpful in frustrating

1) Intend a different outcome. Remember that your focus will
attract a corresponding result! You're already stuck in the traffic
jam, so denying it would be futile. However, does the existence of
a traffic jam have to bring about the negative consequences you
envisioned? Not necessarily. You are making assumptions about what
this experience will mean to you. If you instead choose to make it
mean something else, you can actually change the outcome. How? Try
affirming something like this: "Even though traffic seems to be
moving slowly, I KNOW I will arrive at work exactly on time. The
universe is working with me to create the most beneficial outcome
possible." The trick is to put your full faith into this
affirmation, and not let yourself become filled with doubt or
worry. Then, any number of things could happen to support your new
belief. Traffic might begin moving more quickly because the
obstruction is cleared, or you might still arrive at work a few
minutes late only to discover that your boss and several other
coworkers were also late because of the traffic jam, so the meeting
begins later than planned.

2) Choose to feel good anyway!
This is a little more challenging,
but the more you do it the better you get at it. Simply choose to
turn your thoughts to a more positive place. Rather than dwelling
on your frustration, find something to feel good about and focus on
it. Think about your loved ones, pets, or friends. Recall a happy
memory that makes you laugh out loud. Carry some uplifting audio
books in your car so you can listen to them when you need a boost.
Turn your attention firmly away from thoughts that increase your
worry and irritation, and toward thoughts that make you feel happy.

It seems difficult to overcome negative thoughts and feelings, but
it's really as simple as choosing your focus moment to moment, day
after day. The more practice you get at feeling good overall, the
more you'll find yourself able to step calmly over minor
irritations, and deal effectively with bigger issues.

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