Friday, March 5, 2010

The Real Prosperity Secret

The Real Prosperity Secret
Law of Attraction not getting the results you had in mind? Learn why … and how you can truly draw prosperity and abundance to you and your store.

by Marilyn Jenett

I’d like to read your mind for a moment. Nod if I’m correct … You know all about the Law of Attraction and have sporadic experiences that support it, but don’t understand how it can be applied consistently to transform your circumstances. You have used affirmations forever, practiced visualization, and created vision boards or treasure maps. You probably admit to thinking about as positively as anyone else in this day and age (that’s not saying much now, is it?). But most of the time you are probably wondering why, with all of this knowledge, you are still struggling with your finances and not attracting the customers, profits, and success to your business that you want.

With the popularity of the film The Secret and Law of Attraction books circulating to millions, you would think manifesting abundance would be the rule rather than the exception. Just envision what you want, and suddenly it appears. But based on the current economic climate, that’s clearly not the whole story. Even those who have studied and are well informed about spiritual principles and metaphysical laws are often unable to take these ideas from their intellect and incorporate them mentally and emotionally to put them into practice.

Is there another part of the equation, a missing link somewhere? Is there a magic prosperity pill that will finally draw prosperity and abundance to you? With first-hand experience as a business owner for two decades and now a prosperity teacher, my answer is a resounding yes!

The Universe is your marketing department

Just as a house cannot stand without a proper foundation, all the marketing, sales, and business know-how in the world will not result in success unless you first have the internal foundation—the mindset—to succeed. Once you create that foundation, you will be automatically guided to all the appropriate elements to build an abundant life.

I proved the validity of this approach while building my special event business over a 20-year span, applying these principles to overcome my poverty consciousness and grow my own small business.

Most of my event clients were the world’s largest corporations. During those 20 years, I never looked for a client. Now, you may find this hard to believe, but I do mean it literally: The clients always found me. I never advertised, marketed, cold-called, or networked. And yet my tiny, one-woman operation attracted these large corporate clients. Doors opened spontaneously for the right exposure, the right opportunities, and the right clients. I didn’t look for publicity—it sought me—including a cover story in the Los Angeles Times that was syndicated around the globe and the first article I ever wrote that grossed my company $250,000—during the national recession of the early ’90s! You have to admit something uncommon must have been involved—and that something was an uncommon state of consciousness.

This also applied to my new life and evolution as a prosperity teacher with no previous experience. When I began teaching, I had no idea how I would attract students or create a reputation. Once again, I took this to my Universal marketing department, applied my prosperity “homework,” and trusted that doors would open. I also listened and waited for guidance. The doors opened effortlessly to attract my platform and international following.

How do prosperity laws really work?
The keys to opening those doors for yourself and your business lie in understanding several principles, or prosperity laws, and applying techniques that tap into those laws. Let’s start with understanding some of the most important principles.

1. Your business is not your source of income
This is worth repeating. Your business, store, customers, clients, spouse, savings, investments—none of these are your source of income. There is only one source of income: the Universe, God, Divine Presence, Spirit, Formless Substance (whatever your concept is of the universal source of good). The Universe is your source of supply.

All of those other avenues are channels for your supply. Let’s use the analogy of a kitchen faucet. The faucet is not the source of water. It is only a channel. If that channel is broken or closed, there are an infinite number of other channels through which we can get water.

When you rely on your true source of supply, all the channels will open for you to receive your good. It is not your job to know them. It is your job to trust your Source, and as you do, both expected and unexpected channels will open, and customers, business, and income will increasingly come to you “out of the blue.” So release all ideas that your income and business must be derived from only one particular channel.

2. The resistance of the subconscious mind

A multitude of self-help material is available in the marketplace to those interested in increasing their prosperity. People bounce from one book or program to the next looking for results, but instead they often meet with frustration because the Law of Attraction tools being touted simply don’t offer enough.

The reason most people, even those who are well versed in attraction and prosperity laws, do not manifest easily comes down to a critical component and missing link that is not addressed: the resistance of the subconscious mind. If your subconscious mindset is not in alignment with your conscious desires, and you use Law of Attraction-type techniques to try to achieve life changes, you will automatically revert back to the tangible evidence of your own core beliefs, which keep you stuck in “lack” rather than prosperity, whether we are talking about income, health, or abundance in any form.

The subconscious mind does not like to change and will create resistance (we know that from our attempts to change a habit). Through what I call “friendly persuasion,” you can use the power of words to persuade rather than argue with the subconscious. We gently shift the consciousness to create a new dominant thought in our conscious and subconscious mind, which is what determines our circumstances. This shift in thinking then creates fertile soil in the subconscious, allowing new ideas of wealth, health, abundance, and success to take root. This enables you to bridge the gap between having an intellectual grasp of the prosperity principles—which many people do, but to no avail—and instilling a subconscious acceptance of them.

In order to manifest any desire, the conscious and subconscious minds must agree on the idea. We make a decision with our conscious mind. We use our conscious mind to instill this idea into the subconscious until it is accepted. Once the seed has been accepted in the soil of mind, it will grow and manifest just as the seed planted in the ground will become a plant or a flower. First, we do our job and plant the seed. We nurture the soil with positive thoughts and expectation. Then we turn the job over to Universal Mind—to the creative forces. We can relax and let go, knowing our manifestation will come.

3. You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are
When we “want” something, what is the message we are giving to our subconscious mind and the Universe? The subconscious mind will create for us and attract to us circumstances it accepts to be true in the present moment. And what we are thinking and feeling now is what determines our future, its outcomes and experiences.

Quite simply, when we “want” something, we are telling our mind we don’t have it. And the law is that we attract what we already have in consciousness. The great teacher, Dr. Joseph Murphy, said “We don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.” So the way to really manifest our desire is to convince our subconscious we already have it.

Dr. Murphy also said, “Feel the joy of the answered prayer.” If we live in the state of the fulfilled desire, feel the reality of the goal accomplished, this will impact the subconscious. That’s the most profoundly effective key to manifesting what we want. Words and affirmations are powerful. But just one moment of feeling the reality of your fulfilled desire is more powerful than a thousand affirmations.

So don’t want it. Own it. Be it. Experience it. Accept it. Ask yourself, “How would I feel if...?”

4. The Law of Reversed Effort
A little-known law called the Law of Reversed Effort states the harder you “try” to do something, the less chance you have of achieving it. Trying implies a negative, suggesting to the mind that you may not accomplish your goal. Even Yoda of the Star Wars movies recognized this truth when he wisely said, “We do. There is no try.”

5. Affirmations—why you may not be getting results
My guess is 80% or more of the people who use affirmations don’t get results. That’s because they are not aware of those important nuances of the mind that would allow them to overcome its resistance.

Let’s say your subconscious mind has an established pattern of lack. You might apply the type of present-tense affirmations that are generally recommended, such as “I am wealthy” or “I am prosperous.”

But what really happens is your subconscious mind does not accept it and knows you are lying. Your entire being feels like you are lying—you look around at appearances and say, “Yeah, right. Who am I kidding?” So now, what are you thinking about? You are now focused more on lack! And because of this, your undesirable circumstances will continue to exist or may even get worse. This reminds me of, “Don’t think of a white elephant!”

The subconscious mind does not like change. That part of the mind does not reason—it just accepts input as an order. Once it accepts a thought pattern, it will resist any effort to change it. Again, the answer lies in not creating an argument or resistance in the subconscious. Remember what we discussed about the agreement of the conscious and subconscious minds? The key to heaven is to create that agreement.

The good news is there are ways to make your subconscious mind your best friend so it will support you and help you—even compel you—to create what you want.

A toolbox for manifestation

Every word we speak, every thought we think, and every emotion we feel is recorded in the subconscious. Through repetition or with enough faith or emotional impact, the subconscious will accept our words as a command and will create, attract, and magnetize circumstances, conditions, and people to ensure the manifestation of our command.

Even words spoken casually can bypass the conscious mind and drop into the subconscious and take root. The subconscious mind cannot take a joke. Seemingly harmless expressions can produce undesirable results in our lives.

Something to think about: How many times today have you said aloud or to yourself, even casually, “I can’t afford …”

This brings us to some simple, practical tools you can use to apply the prosperity principles in your life.

1. Watch your speech

The single most immediate thing you can do right now to increase the flow of money to you is to change your words.

If you want a successful business, you must resist the habit and temptation of speaking about the lack of business or customers. Change the words you speak to reflect those spoken by a successful person, a person who has money, words that represent what you want in life. Eliminate any words or phrases from your vocabulary that represent the opposite of what you want.

If you really want to increase your cash flow quickly, think and speak as if you already have that cash flow. Remember, the subconscious mind only functions in the present, and what you think, say, and feel in this moment is what you will begin to attract. Repetition of positive words will eventually replace negative patterns in the subconscious that block your success and limit your income and your supply.

If you don’t want it, don’t say it. Even if you feel like you are lying to yourself or others, continue to speak in positive terms about your business and affairs. As you persist in speaking successful words, your subconscious will accept the new ideas and you will discover the “lies” are becoming a new and very tangible reality. By changing your words, you will be well on your way to changing undesirable thought patterns and changing your life and finances.

2. Start listening
As you develop positive thought and speech patterns, you will begin to clear the debris and static in your subconscious that has prevented you from tuning in and listening to your intuitive promptings. Practice paying attention now to those promptings, the hunches, the feelings, the “still small voice” that subtly urges you to do something. As you practice listening and following through on these hunches and the more you discover they lead to successful results, the more consistent and the stronger they will become.

3. Attitude of gratitude
You have heard that over and over again, haven’t you? But do you live it? Well, start now. And here is a powerful aspect of gratitude most people do not know about—expressing gratitude for what you don’t yet see!

Start giving thanks now for your new customers, your increased business, and inspired new ideas—before they arrive. I promise if you will maintain your state of gratitude, they will come, and often at a speed that will astound you.

Marilyn Jenett is a renowned prosperity mentor with an international following. She is an accomplished business woman and owner of a company that served the corporate arena for 20 years. Her achievements were the result of the prosperity principles she now teaches in her Feel Free to Prosper Program, a simple yet powerful lesson and mentoring program based on mental and spiritual laws. To learn more, visit

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